All listings are verified before showing in the directory. This process can take up to 48 hours, be patient. If your listing is approved, you will be notified. All listings are currently no charge and last indefinately.

We have not added a member login, to deter spam and unwanted logins. If your listing info changes, or is no longer valid, please contact us HERE to change it, or remove it to help us keep a clean database. When contacting us, please include the email address you used to add your listing, the user name and name of website, and the changes you need done. We will accomodate within 48 hours.

Please write a SHORT DESCRIPTION limited to around 80 characters, and the basics only. Use the LONG DESCRIPTION to say anything you want about your business or products, there is essentially no limit to text. You may use standard typing commands such as breaking sentences.

Add ONLY your Website Name (or product name if promoting a single product) in the WEBSITE LISTING TITLE slot, this will be a clickable link. Add YOUR WEBSITE NAME to the “Website Name” slot. You must add a logo or photo for your listing. This is used as the thumbnail on the sidebar, but does not show up in the actual listing.

Please add your listings to the correct and proper categories. As our directory grows, categories will extend, so please help us out by using the correct main categories when you submit. We reserve the right to resize, or re categorize any accepted submission.

We are not currently charging for directory listings. The ability to purchase feature listings around the pages etc, will be available in the near future. Go to the directory index, or click any available ad space to get more info (coming soon).